Agassizs dwarf cichlid EU ,NA |
Alluaud’s haplochromis (Alluaud’s haplo) |
Almoloya cichlid (Regan's cichlid) EU |
Alto Tapiche dwarf cichlid |
Altum angelfish EU ,nEU,AS,NA,SA |
Amarillo Mojarra EU |
Amazon cichlid EU |
Amazonian dwarf cichlid |
Andinoacara cichlid (spec. biseriatus) nEU |
Angolan tilapia EU |
Angostura cichlid EU |
Ankasa hemichromis EU |
Argentine humphead EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Aripuana eartheater EU |
Atabapo fire pike AS |
Aulonocara chizumulu EU |
Aulonocara sp. lwanda nEU |
Aurora cichlid EU |
Ayatto spotted trout cichlid EU |
Azure dwarf cichlid EU |
Azureus cichlid EU ,NA |
Babault's mouthbrooder |
Banded acara NA |
Banded cichlid (Yellowbelly cichlid) (Severum) EU ,nEU,NA,AS,SA |
Banded dwarf cichlid (Two-striped dwarf cichlid) EU |
Banded jewel cichlid EU |
Banded jewelfish (Five-spot cichlid) NA |
Barlow's dwarf cichlid |
Barlow's mbuna |
Barred lamprologus EU |
Basket hap |
Bates' cichlid EU |
Bay snook nEU,EU ,NA |
Bellybarred cichlid EU |
Bellyblotch tanganjika cichlid |
Benitochromis cichlid (spec. nigrodorsalis) EU |
Black Acara |
Black acara EU |
Black diamond cichlid (Marakely cichlid) (Starry night madagascar cichlid) AS,nEU,EU ,NA,SA |
Black Moori cichlid EU |
Black mouth Cameroon tilapia EU |
Black occy |
Black-and-blue Malawi cichlid nEU |
Black-finned fulu EU ,NA |
Black-stripe dwarf cichlid (Torpedo cichlid) (Weise's dwarf cichlid) |
Blackbelly tilapia (Unga barombi mbo cichlid) nEU |
Blackbelt cichlid NA,EU ,nEU,AF,AS |
Blackchin tilapia EU |
Blackfin oscar EU |
Blackgill Tanganyikan cichlid EU |
Blackgullet cichlid EU |
Blackspot cichlid |
Blackspot pike-cichlid EU |
Blackstripe dwarf cichlid |
Blood-red jewel cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Blood-throat cichlid NA,EU |
Bloyet's haplo |
Blue & yellow hap (One-and-a-half-stripe hab) EU ,nEU |
Blue acara EU ,NA |
Blue cheek dwarf cichlid (High back dwarf cichlid) NA |
Blue Congo cichlid (spec. nudiceps) |
Blue Congo cichlid (spec. parilus) EU |
Blue discus EU ,nEU,AF,AS,NA |
Blue Flash (Golden Acara) EU |
Blue goby cichlid |
Blue goldtip cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Blue humphead cichlid EU |
Blue johanni cichlid (Maingano cichlid) EU ,nEU,NA |
Blue mbuna EU ,nEU,NA |
Blue neon cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Blue orchid aulonocara |
Blue streak eartheater EU |
Blue streak hap nEU,EU ,AS,NA |
Blue thicklip haplochromis |
Blue thicklip haplochromis (spec. „Hertae“) EU |
Blue tilapia EU ,AS,NA |
Blue tilapia EU |
Blue Victoria mouthbrooder EU |
Blue-eyed cichlid EU ,nEU |
Bluefin dwarf cichlid EU |
Bluegray mbuna nEU,AS,EU ,NA |
Bluehead-Tyrannochromis EU |
Bluelip haplo |
Bluemouth cichlid |
Bluepoint flag cichlid |
Blunthead cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Boadzulu cichlid nEU,EU |
Bolivian Butterfly cichlid nEU,EU ,NA,AS |
Boulengers cichlid |
Brevis shelldweller nEU,EU ,AS |
Brichard's slender cichlids |
Brichard`s cichlid (Blue eyed tropheus) EU |
Brown coscarob (Large coscarob) |
Brown's mouthbrooder |
Buescher's spindle lamprologus EU ,nEU |
Bumblebee cichlid (Hornet cichlid) AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Burton's mouthbrooder nEU,EU ,NA |
Butterfly Peacock Bass EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Cabra`s tilapia |
Caete dwarf cichlid |
Caete eartheater EU |
Cameroon dwarf cichlid (spec. Parananochromis caudifasciatus) EU |
Canara pearlspot EU ,nEU,NA |
Caninus cichlid |
Cape Kapampa cichlid EU |
Caudopunctatus cichlid EU ,AS |
Central American Long snout cichlid EU |
Chameleon cichlid EU ,SA |
Checkerboard cichlid (spec. Crenicara punctulata) EU |
Checkerboard cichlid (spec. latruncularium) |
Chessboard cichlid (Fork-tailed checkerboard cichlid) EU ,NA |
Chewere cichlid |
Chilingali cichlid nEU |
Chilumba zebra mbuna (Maison Reef zebra mbuna) EU |
Chiquitano cichlid nEU,EU |
Chiriqui cichlid EU |
Chisel-tooth cichlid EU ,nEU |
Chitande aulonocara (Northern aulonocara) |
Chizumulu bluegray mbuna EU ,nEU |
Chizumulu cichlid nEU,EU ,AS |
Christy's cichlid EU ,NA |
Christy's Tanganyika cichlid |
Chromo victoria cichlid NA |
Cichlid (spec. Australoheros scitulus) EU |
Cichlid (spec. Chindongo ater) |
Cichlid (spec. Chindongo minutus) |
Cichlid (spec. Cichlasoma pusillum) |
Cichlid (spec. Heroina isonycterina) EU |
Cichlid (spec. Lethrinops albus) NA |
Cichlid (spec. Sarotherodon occidentalis) |
Coatzacoalcos cichlid EU |
Cobalt blue mbuna nEU,EU ,AS,NA |
Cockatoo cichlid EU ,nEU,AS |
Common severum (spec. efasciatus) (incl. Red-shouldered severum) NA,EU ,nEU,SA,AS |
Compressed cichlid EU ,AS,NA |
Compressiceps dwarf pike cichlid nEU,EU |
Congo blackfin nEU,EU ,NA |
Congo cichlid (spec. Nanochromis splendens) nEU |
Congo eyespot cichlid EU |
Congo lionhead cichlid |
Convict cichlid EU ,AU,nEU,NA,AS |
Convict julie (Striped julie cichlid) EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
Corumba cichlid |
Cuban cichlid (Biajaca) nEU |
Cunnington`s tanganyika cichlid |
Cutter's cichlid nEU,EU |
Cyan malawi cichlid EU |
Cylinder cichlid (Ringlet lamprologus) EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Cynotilapia axelrodi [No common name] EU |
Daffodil cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Damba nEU,EU |
Dark-spotted cichlid EU |
Deckert`s tilapia EU |
Deep water hap EU ,NA |
Demason's cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Demeusi's Cichlid NA |
Demon eartheater EU ,nEU,SA |
Dewindt`s cichlid (Dewindt`s mouthbrooder) AS,EU |
Dickfeld's slender cichlid (Dickfeld´s julie) nEU,EU ,NA |
Dimerus cichlid nEU |
Dinghani EU ,NA |
Discolor tilapia |
Discus fish EU ,nEU,AS,NA,SA |
Dogtooth cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Dollo`s tilapie |
Dolphin cichlid EU |
Doublespot acara NA |
Drachenfels`dwarf cichlid EU |
Duboisi cichlid nEU,EU ,NA |
Dusky Lake Malawi cichlid |
Dwarf congo cichlid (spec. minor) |
Dwarf flag cichlid (Sheepshead acara) (Blunt head cichlid) EU ,NA |
Dwarf golden mbuna |
Dwarf humphead cichlid |
Dwarf jewel cichlid NA,nEU,EU ,AS |
Dwarf pike cichlid (Two-spot pike cichlid) |
Eartheater (spec. brachybranchus) EU |
Eartheater (spec. megasema) NA |
Eastern River bream (Eastern happy) |
Egyptian mouthbrooder EU |
Electric blue hap nEU,EU ,AS |
Electric-blue Cichlid EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Elephantnose polystigma |
Elizabeth's dwarf cichlid AS |
Elliot's cichlid nEU,EU |
Elongate mbuna EU ,nEU |
Elongate mbuna (spec. „Elongatus Bee“) EU |
Elongate mbuna (spec. „Elongatus Ornatus“) |
Elongated lemon cichlid EU |
Emerald cichlid (Chocolate cichlid) EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Emperor cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Essequibo dwarf cichlid (Ortmanns dwarf cichlid) |
Fairy cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
False firemouth cichlid NA |
False yellowjacket cichlid (Motagua cichlid) EU ,NA |
Featherfin cichlid nEU,EU |
Fenestratus cichlid EU ,NA |
Fenestratus hap nEU,EU ,NA |
Filter-feeding cichlid |
Firemouth cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Five-bar cichlid (Five-barred lamprologus) EU ,NA,AS |
Five-spotted African cichlid nEU |
Five-spotted hap EU ,nEU |
Flag cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Flag cichlid (spec. egregius) SA,EU |
Flag cichlid (spec. insignis) EU |
Flaveolus cichlid EU |
Flavescent peacock EU ,AS,NA |
Flier cichlid EU ,NA |
Foa's Featherfin cichlid EU |
Fork-tailed lamprologus EU |
Fourspine cichlid EU ,nEU |
Freiberg's mbuna |
Freshwater angelfish AS,EU ,nEU,NA,AF,SA |
Gabon tilapia EU |
Gabun hemichromis EU |
Gali Galuli cichlid EU |
Geisler's dwarf cichlid |
Ghana cichlid EU |
Giant hap (Giant haplochromis) |
Giant tanganyika cichlid EU |
Goldbreast zebra mbuna (Goldbreast zebra cichlid) nEU,EU |
Golden julie EU ,nEU,NA |
Golden tropheops EU |
Golden-headed dwarf cichlid EU |
Golden-mantled malawi cichlid AS |
Goldeneye cichlid nEU,EU |
Grandidier's Malagasy cichlid EU |
Green discus AS,AF |
Green pike cichlid |
Green terror nEU,EU ,AS,NA,SA |
Greenstreaked eartheater EU ,NA,AS |
Greenwood's cichlid EU |
Guayas cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Guenther's mouthbrooder EU ,nEU |
Guenther's mouthbrooder nEU |
Guianacara cichlid (spec. dacrya) |
Guianacara cichlid (spec. owroewefi) EU |
Guianacara cichlid (spec. sphenozona) EU |
Guinean tilapia |
Guyana flag cichlid EU |
Halfbanded pike cichlid |
Haplochromis Borleyi Redfin EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Haplochromis obliquidens EU ,nEU |
Haplochromis Sunset EU ,AS |
Haplochromis torpedo stripe |
Hecq's shelldweller NA |
Heterochromis cichlid EU |
High-head eartheater EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
Hippo Point Blue Bar EU |
Hogaboom`s cichlid EU |
Honduran red point cichlid |
Hongi cichlid EU |
Hoover cichlid EU |
Hori`s Tanganyika cichlid EU |
Hump-head EU ,nEU,NA |
Humphead cichlid AS,EU ,nEU,NA,SA |
Iceblus Labidochromis (Iceblue Lab) |
Inca dwarf cichlid EU |
Inca stone cichlid |
Ishmael's cichlid NA |
Jack dempsey cichlid (Jack Dempsey) EU ,nEU,NA,SA |
Jackson’s ntaka (Jackson`s nkhata) nEU |
Jaguar cichlid EU ,nEU,NA,AU,AS,AF |
Jewel cichlid (spec. bimaculatus) (African jewelfish) nEU,EU ,NA,AS,AF |
Jewel cichlid (spec. cristatus) AS |
Jewel cichlid (spec. guttatus) EU ,AS |
Jewel cichlid (spec. stellifer) EU |
Jewel fish EU |
Jewel fish (spec. "Benin") |
Jewel fish (spec. "Blue Neon") |
Johanna pike-cichlid AS |
Johnson's mbuna |
Jordan mouthbrooder AS,EU |
Kanna Mojarra EU |
Kelber's peacock bass (Kelber's pike cichlid) AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Kendall`s Tanganyika cichlid EU |
Kenyi cichlid EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Keyhole cichlid EU ,nEU |
Kingsley's cichlid |
Kissing cichlid EU |
Konye EU |
Kotsovato cichlid EU ,nEU |
Krauss' cichlid |
Kribensis cichlid EU |
Krobia EU ,SA |
Kungwe shell-dweller EU |
Lacustris pike-cichlid |
Lake Afrera cichlid |
Lake Bermin tilapia |
Lake Bermin tilapia (spec. bythobates) EU |
Lake Chilingali pike-cichlid nEU |
Lake Kotto tilapia (Barombi Koto tilapia) EU |
Lake Malawi sandsifter (spec. furcicauda) |
Lake Malawi utaka (spec. Copadichromis virginalis) (Virginalis utaka) |
Lake Nawampsa cichild NA |
Lake Tanganyika shelldweller (spec. signatus) EU |
Lake Turkana jewel cichlid (Turkana jewel cichlid) EU |
Lake Victoria chichild (spec. Haplochromis limax) |
Lake Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis nuchisquamulatus) EU |
Lake Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis piceatus) (Piceatus hap) nEU,NA |
Lake Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis thereuterion) EU |
Lamena (Lamena cichlid) |
Lamprologus cichlid (spec. ornatipinnis) AS |
Latticed cichlid EU |
Lavender mbuna nEU,EU ,AS,NA |
Leka Keppe barombi mbo cichlid |
Lemaire's oddtooth cichlid EU |
Lemon cichlid AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Leopold's angelfish (Teardrop angelfish) EU ,AS,NA |
Lepidiolamprologus cichlid (spec. Lepidiolamprologus attenuatus) EU ,AS |
Lepidiolamprologus cichlid (spec. Lepidiolamprologus elongatus) EU |
Lepidiolamprologus Nkambae EU |
Leptura cichlid EU |
Lethrinops cichlid (spec. „Mbasi Creek“) |
Lethrinops rounded head |
Lethrinops spec. "Red Cap" EU |
Lidole EU |
Lionhead cichlid nEU,EU ,NA,AS |
Lionhead cichlid (spec. gibbiceps) |
Lionhead cichlid (spec. Ultra Slender) EU |
Livingston's Cichlid (Kalingono) EU ,nEU,NA |
Livingstone's mbuna EU |
Loiselle's cichlid EU ,AS |
Loiselle's Malagasy cichlid (Loiselle's cichlid) EU |
Longfin tilapia (Greenhead tilapia) EU |
Lower Xingu peacock bass EU ,AS |
Lowland cichlid nEU,EU ,AS |
Lucius pike cichlid AS |
Luhanga cichlid EU |
Lyretail Tanganyika cichlid |
Macmaster's dwarf cichlid EU ,NA |
Malagarasi cichlid |
Malawi bream EU |
Malawi cichlid (Labidochromis spec. „Perlmutt“) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Abactochromis labrosus) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Copadichromis mloto) nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Ctenopharynx nitidus) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Cyathochromis obliquidens) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Dimidiochromis kiwinge) nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Gephyrochromis lawsi) EU ,nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Labidochromis heterodon) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Labidochromis vellicans) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Lethrinops lethrinus) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Lethrinops longipinnis) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Lethrinops macrochir) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Maylandia xanstomachus) EU ,nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Melanochromis kaskazini) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Mylochromis ericotaenia) EU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Naevochromis chrysogaster nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Protomelas annectens) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Pseudotropheus perspicax) |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Tropheops kumwera) nEU |
Malawi cichlid (spec. Tyrannochromis macrostoma) |
Malawi cichlid (Tropheops spec. Chilumba) EU |
Malawi cichlid (Tropheops spec. „red cheek“) EU |
Malawi Eyebiter EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Malawi gar EU |
Malawi Golden Cichlid (Golden Mbuna) EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Malawi pike cichlid EU ,nEU |
Malawi sand cichlid (spec. Lethrinops altus) |
Malawi sand cichlid (spec. Taeniolethrinops praeorbitalis) nEU,EU |
Malawi sand diver EU ,nEU |
Malawi shell dweller EU ,nEU |
Malawi thicklip |
Malawi trout EU ,NA |
Mamfe tilapie EU |
Manacapuru heros cichlid EU |
Manacupuru angelfish EU |
Mangarahara cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Mango tilapia (Galilaea tilapia) |
Manyara tilapia EU ,nEU |
Manyspotted cichlid EU ,nEU |
Marbled pike cichlid |
Marlier's Julie EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
Marlier`s goby cichlid |
Marungu cichlid EU |
Masked cichlid EU |
Masked cichlid (sp. "Ndobhoi") (Ndobnoi cichlid) NA |
Masked julie EU ,nEU,NA |
Mayan cichlid (Mexican mojarra) nEU,EU ,AS |
Mayland's mbuna |
Maylandia pulpican [No common name] EU ,nEU |
Mbamba Bay cichlid (Labidochromis spec. "Mbamba Bay") EU |
Mbuna cichlid (Cynotilapia spec. zebra deep) EU |
Meel`s cichlid EU |
Megamouth dwarf cichlid (spec. Apistogramma megastoma) EU |
Melanie`s mouthbrooder |
Mendez dwarf cichlid NA |
Midas cichlid nEU,EU ,AS,AF,NA |
Millet SA |
Milomo cichlid (Super VC-10 hap) AS,EU |
Moga (Nicaragua cichlid) (Butterfly cichlid) (Macaw cichlid) EU ,nEU,NA |
Mongo cichlid EU |
Montecristo cichlid EU |
Moore's lamprologus EU ,AS |
Mouthbrooder banded cichlid (Red Mouthbrooder Severum) EU |
Mozambique tilapia EU ,AS,nEU |
Mrac cichlid |
Msobo cichlid |
Multispot aulonocara nEU |
Myers' basketmouth cichlid (Myers' cichlid) EU ,NA |
Nankumba Malawi cichlid |
Nasuta cichlid nEU,EU ,NA |
Ndalalani soda cichlid EU |
Neolamprologus cichlid (spec. modestus) |
Neolamprologus cichlid (spec. mustax) EU |
Nichol's mouthbrooder EU |
Night aulonocara |
Nile Tilapia AS,EU ,NA,nEU,AF,SA |
Nkhomo-benga peacock AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Northern redbreast tilapia EU ,SA |
Nyerere's cichlid EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
O'Brien`s cichlid |
Oaxaca cichlid nEU,EU |
Ocellated lamprologus EU ,nEU,AS |
Okavango tilapia |
One spot eartheater NA,EU |
Orange chromide nEU,EU ,NA |
Orange fin laetacara |
Orinoco cichlid |
Orinoco dwarf pike cichlid |
Orinoco eartheater |
Orinoco eartheater AS,EU |
Orinoco peacock bass AS,nEU,EU ,NA |
Ortega`s dwarf cichlid (Pebas dwarf cichlid) |
Otjikoto tilapia EU |
Pale Usisya aulonocara nEU,EU |
Panda dwarf cichlid (Nijssen's dwarf cichlid) |
Panda Uaru EU |
Pantanal eartheater EU |
Pantano cichlid EU |
Parallel striped mbuna nEU |
Parrot cichlid EU ,nEU,SA,NA |
Pastel cichlid |
Patricks cichlid |
Peacock bass EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Peacock slender cichlid EU |
Pearl cichlid (Pearlscale eartheater) EU ,nEU,AS,SA,NA |
Pearl Of Likoma nEU,EU |
Pearlspot Cichlid (Pearlspot) (Green Chromide) EU ,AS,NA |
Percna pike-cichlid |
Perrier`s cichlid (Perrieri cichlid) EU ,NA |
Peru diadema cichlid EU |
Petrotilapia cichlid |
Pfeffer`s cichlid |
Pindu EU |
Pinima peacock bass NA |
Pinstripe damba EU ,nEU,NA |
Piquiti pavon AS,nEU,EU |
Pitch-black fulu cichild NA |
Platinum acara nEU,EU ,SA |
Point-headed pike cichlid EU |
Polit cichlid (Pseudotropheus spec. "Polit") EU |
Poll's tropheus EU |
Poor man's tropheus EU |
Potaro cichlid |
Powder blue cichlid (Pindani) nEU,EU ,AS |
Princess of Burundi EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Proteus pike cichlid EU |
Pucallpa dwarf cichlid |
Pungu barombi mbo cichlid EU |
Purple cichlid (Rainbow cichlid) ("Kribensis" cichlid) AU,NA,EU ,nEU,AS |
Purple mbuna |
Rainbow cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Rainbow haplochromis EU |
Ram cichlid (Butterfly cichlid) NA,EU ,nEU,AS |
Red devil cichlid EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
Red discus (Heckel's discus) nEU,EU ,NA,AS |
Red eye humphead cichlid |
Red head lamprologus |
Red Moori cichlid nEU |
Red Shoulder Peacock cichlid AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Red spotted cichlid (Twoband cichlid) EU ,AS |
Red top Ndumbi cichlid |
Red zebra cichlid nEU,EU ,AS,NA |
Red-lined dwarf cichlid |
Red-lipped Badi River cichlid EU |
Red-point dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma sp.) |
Red-spotted simochromis |
Red-striped dwarf cichlid EU |
Red-striped earth eater AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Red-throated mouthbrooder EU |
Red-top zebra EU |
Redbelly tilapia EU |
Redbreast acara EU |
Redeye krobia EU |
Redface mac cichlid EU |
Redhead cichlid AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Redhump eartheater nEU,EU ,SA |
Redlip tilapia |
Redspot callochromis (Redspot cichlid) AS,EU |
Regan's Pike cichlid EU |
Regan’s mouthbrooder EU |
Ring-tailed pike cichlid EU |
Rio Branco eartheater |
Rio Curaray cichlid EU |
Rio Grande cichlid EU ,AS,NA,SA |
Río Mamoré dwarf cichlid EU |
Rio Muni cichlid |
Rio Nanay dwarf cichlid |
Rio Negro chocolate cichlid NA |
Rio Tapajos rheophilic cichlid (Dwarf pike cichlid) EU |
Rio Xingu rheophilic cichlid |
Rock Kribensis EU ,NA |
Rose Acara EU ,NA |
Roux`lionhead cichlid |
Royal acara |
Royal blue hap |
Royal peacock bass AS |
Sabaki tilapia |
Saddle cichlid EU |
Sajica cichlid (Costa Rican Blue-eyed cichlid) EU ,nEU,NA |
Salvin's cichlid EU ,nEU,AS |
Sambirano cichlid (Madagascar cichlid) nEU,EU ,NA |
Sand cichlid (spec. Xenotilapia ochrogenys) EU |
Sand cichlid (spec. Xenotilapia sima) |
Sand cichlid (spec. Xenotilapia tenuidentata) |
Sandhill dwarf cichlid |
Sardine cichlid AS,EU ,nEU,NA |
Saulosi cichlid EU ,nEU,NA |
Scale-eating cichlid AS |
Scarlet Kribensis EU ,nEU |
Scrapermouth mbuna EU ,nEU,NA |
Seven-stripe cichlid (Seven stripe cichlid) EU ,NA |
Sexfasciatus cichlid EU ,AS |
Sharphead eartheater |
Shell-dwelling cichlid (spec. Lamprologus callipterus) |
Shell-dwelling cichlid (spec. Lamprologus meleagris) AS |
Short jaw tristramella AS |
Short-snouted Malawi cichlid |
Shukoray cichlid EU |
Sieve cichlid |
Silver malawi pike-cichlid |
Silver tasselvent cichlid nEU |
Singida tilapia (Graham's tilapia) EU ,NA |
Slender buffalohead cichlid NA |
Small-scale cichlid EU ,NA |
Smith's Tanganyika clown EU |
Snail cichlid (Small shelldweller) EU ,nEU,NA |
Snail cichlid (spec. "White tail") |
Soda cichlid EU |
Somber flag cichlid |
Southern bigeye-mouthbrooder EU ,nEU |
Southern checkmark cichlid EU |
Southern mouthbrooder |
Spangled cichlid EU |
Speckled peacock bass (Speckled pavon) EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Spindle hap EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Spiny pike-cichlid NA |
Spotfin goby cichlid (Fanged rock cichlid) nEU,EU |
Spothead hap (Fuscotaeniatus hap) EU |
Spottail pike cichlid (incl. Red Adabapo) (No species or subspecies status) EU ,NA,AS |
Spotted chessboard dwarf cichlid EU |
Spotted damba cichlid (Damba Mipentina) EU ,nEU,NA |
Spotted earth eater (Fine spotted eartheater) EU |
Spotted severum EU |
Spotted tilapia EU ,nEU,NA |
Star sapphire cichlid EU |
Stone-mover cichlid EU |
Striped Barombi Mbo cichlid nEU,EU |
Striped dwarf cichlid nEU,EU |
Striped Dwarf Cichlid |
Striped simochromis EU |
Stripefin eartheater (Rainbow eartheater) |
Stripenecked cichlid |
Striptail EU |
Sulfurhead aulonocara NA,AS |
Sulphur-headed hap nEU,EU ,AS,NA |
Sumbu shell compressed cichlid EU |
Suriname eartheater EU |
Sven's eartheater nEU,EU ,AS |
Sven's pike cichlid |
Tailbar cichlid nEU,EU ,NA |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Ctenochromis horei) |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Neolamprologus nigriventris) EU |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Neolamprologus toae) |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Reganochromis calliurus) |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Triglachromis otostigma) |
Tanganyika cichlid (spec. Tylochromis lateralis) |
Tanganyika clown EU ,NA |
Tanganyika shell cichlid EU ,AS |
Tanganyikan butterfly EU ,nEU,AS |
Tanganyikan cichlid (Petrochromis spec. "moshi yellow") EU |
Tanganyikan cichlid (Petrochromis spec. "Red Bulu Point") EU |
Tanganyikan cichlid (spec. Haplotaxodon microlepis) EU |
Tanganyikan cichlid (spec. Haplotaxodon trifasciatus)' |
Tanganyikan cichlid (spec. Petrochromis famula) |
Tanganyikan cichlid (spec. Petrochromis macrognathus) EU |
Tanganyikan cichlid (spec. Petrochromis polyodon) |
Tanganyikan mouthbrooding cichlid (Tanganyika tilapie) EU ,AS |
Tanganyikan zebra cichlid |
Tapajos redhead eartheater EU ,nEU,NA,AS |
Temporalis cichlid nEU,EU |
Thollon's tilapia EU |
Threadfin acara nEU,EU |
Threadfin cichlid EU ,AS |
Three spot cichlid (Peacock cichlid) |
Three striped dwarf cichlid AS,EU |
Three-lined cichlid (Giant featherfin) EU ,nEU |
Threespot eartheater EU ,NA |
Threespot torpedo EU |
Tierra Purpúrea eartheater EU |
Tiger heros EU |
Tiger oscar EU ,nEU,AS,AU,NA,SA,AF |
Tilapia (spec. Oreochromis lepidurus) |
Tilapia shiranus |
Topaz cichlid EU ,nEU |
Two-banded cichlid nEU |
Two-Spot pike cichlid NA |
Uaru (Chocolate cichlid) (Triangle cichlid) AS,nEU,EU ,NA |
Ubangi dwarf humphead |
Ufermann's cichlid EU |
Umbee (Turquoise cichlid) EU |
Umbrella cichlid EU |
Velvet black victoria cichlid |
Venustus cichlid (Giraffe Cichlid) EU ,AS,nEU,NA |
Verduyn cichlid |
Victoria biglip hap cichlid EU ,NA |
Victoria cichlid (Haplochromis spec. "Hippo Point Salmon") AS |
Victoria cichlid (Haplochromis spec. "Matumbi hunter") EU |
Victoria cichlid (Haplochromis spec. "orange rock hunter") EU |
Victoria cichlid (Haplochromis spec. "Thick Skin" CH44) EU ,AS |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis argens) NA |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis lacrimosus) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis luteus) EU |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis paropius) EU |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis phytophagus) NA |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis prodromus) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis pyrrhocephalus) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis retrodens) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis riponianus) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Haplochromis xenognathus) nEU |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Neochromis nigricans) |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Neochromis omnicaeruleus) EU |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Neochromis rufocaudalis) EU |
Victoria cichlid (spec. Tropheops novemfasciatus) |
Victoria tilapia NA |
Vieja dwarf cichlid |
Violet cichlid nEU |
Wami tilapia |
Wauthion`s cichlid |
Werner's ground-cichlid |
West African cichlid |
White cichlid AS,EU ,nEU |
White-spotted tilapia |
Whitespotted eartheater EU ,NA |
Wilhelm's Dwarf cichlid (Rio Abacaxis dwarf cichlid) EU |
William's mbuna EU ,nEU,AS |
Wolf cichlid (Dow's cichlid) EU ,NA |
Xingu cichlid EU |
Xingú Krobia-cichlid EU |
Xingu pike-cichlid |
Xingu pike-cichlid (sp. „Rio Xingu II“) |
Yellow acara EU ,nEU,NA |
Yellow cichlid |
Yellow dwarf cichlid EU |
Yellow kribensis EU |
Yellow lepturus cichlid EU |
Yellow plankton cichlid |
Yellow sand cichlid EU ,AS |
Yellow-belly albert (Large-mouth albert) EU ,nEU |
Yellow-belly bream |
Yellow-colored dwarf flagcichlid nEU,EU ,NA |
Yellow-tail acei (Yellowfin mbuna) EU ,nEU,AS |
Yellow-tailed violet cichlid |
Yellowhump eartheater nEU |
Yellowjacket cichlid (Monarch cichlid) NA,EU |
Zarske`s cichlid |
Zebra acara EU |
Zebra dwarf cichlid (West African dwarf cichlid) EU ,NA |
Zebra mbuna (Zebra cichlid) EU ,nEU,AS,NA |
Zebra Obliquidens nEU,EU ,NA |
Zebra pike EU |
Zebra sardine cichlid (Zebra herring cichlid) |
Zebra shelldweller (Big-eyed multi) EU |
Zebra tilapia EU ,AS,nEU,NA,SA |