African clawless otter (Cape clawless otter) AF,AS,NA | African striped weasel | Alaskan sea otter (Northern sea otter) EU ,nEU,NA,AS | American mink EU ,nEU,NA,AS | Arabian ratel AS | Asian badger nEU,AS | Asian small-clawed otter (Oriental small-clawed otter) EU ,AS,nEU,NA,AU,SA | Black-footed ferret NA | Burmese ferret-badger AS | Central African ratel EU | Chinese ferret-badger (Golden-bellied ferret badger) (No Subspecific status) AS | Chinese river otter AS | Congo clawless otter (Cameroon clawless otter) | Ecuadorian tayra SA | Egyptian weasel | Eurasian otter (Common otter) (No Subspecific status) nEU,AS,AF | Eurasian otter (Common otter) (Nominatform) EU ,nEU,AS | European badger EU ,nEU,AS,NA | European mink EU ,nEU,AS,SA | European Pine marten EU ,nEU | European polecat EU ,nEU | European wolverine EU ,nEU,NA | Fisher NA | Giant otter EU ,AS,nEU,NA,SA | Greater grison SA,nEU,EU ,NA | Hairy-nosed otter AS | Hog badger (no species or subspecies status) AS | Honey badger (Ratel) (no subspecific status) NA,AS,nEU,EU ,AF | Iberian badger EU | Iberian beech marten EU | Indian ratel (Bharsiah) | Indian river otter AS | Indian yellow-throated Marten | Indochinese hog badger | Indochinese smooth-coated otter EU ,nEU,AS | Indochinese Yellow-throated marten | Indonesian mountain weasel AS | Indonesian river otter | Indus Valley otter | Japanese badger AS | Japanese marten (No Subspecific status) AS | Japanese marten (Nominate subspecies) AS | Japanese weasel AS | Javan ferret-badger EU ,AS | Javan yellow-throated marten AS,NA | Least weasel (Weasel) EU ,nEU | Little grison SA | Long-tailed weasel SA | Malay weasel (Sumatran weasel) | Marbled polecat (no subspecies-status) nEU,EU | Marine otter (Sea cat) SA | Mountain weasel | Nelsons Greater grison SA | Neotropical otter SA,NA | North African honey badger | North American badger NA | North American marten (American Pine marten) NA | North American river otter NA,EU ,nEU,AF,AS | North American wolverine NA | Northeastern zorilla | Northern hog badger AS | Northern marbled polecat | Northern yellow-throated marten EU ,nEU,AS | Persian ratel nEU | Rio Madeira tayra SA | Russian polecat (Steppe polecat) nEU | Sable nEU,EU ,AS | Saharan striped polecat (Saharan striped weasel) (No subspecific status) | Saharan striped weasel EU ,nEU | Siberian weasel EU ,nEU,AS | Smooth-coated otter (No Subspecific status) AS | South African ratel EU ,nEU,AF | South-east Asian yellow-throated marten | Southern sea otter NA | Southern zorilla (Cape zorilla) | Spotted-necked otter EU ,nEU,AF,NA | Stoat (Ermine) (Short-tailed weasel) EU ,nEU,NA | Stone marten (Beech marten) (No Subspecific status) EU ,nEU,AS | Sudanese striped weasel | Sumatran hog badger AS | Syrian marbled polecat | Syrian Stone marten AS | Szechuan ferret-badger (Szechuan Small-toothed ferred badger) | Taiwanese Ferret-badger (Taiwanese Small-toothed ferret badger) AS | Tayra (Irara) EU ,nEU,SA,AS,NA | Transcaucasian badger AS | Tschudi tayra SA | Tsushima marten AS | Venezuela tayra SA | Vietnamese Ferret-badger (Vietnamese Small-toothed ferret badger) | West African ratel nEU,AF | West African zorilla | Yellow-throated marten (No Subspecific status) AS | Zorilla (Striped polecat) (No Subspecific status) nEU | |

European polecat
Mustela putorius
LINNAEUS, 1758 |
| Number of Subspecies: | 06 | Information Source for Taxonomy: | Wilson, Don E./Reeder DeeAnn (2005): Mammal species of the world: a taxonomic and geographic reference, Vol. 1 | Head-Torso-Length: | 20,5 - 46 cm | Tail length: | 7 - 19 cm | Weight: | 400 - 1710 g | IUCN status: | LC (Least Concern) |