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Indian grey mongoose
(Edward's mongoose)
(No Subspecific status)
Herpestes edwardsii

Photo by: F. Spangenberg
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:05
Subspecies:01. Herpestes edwardsii edwardsii - SE India and Sri Lanka
02. H.e. carnaticus - SW India (Karnatka)
03. H.e. moerens - Bangladesh, Bhutan, C & NE India, Nepal
04. H.e. montanus - Saudi Arabia to NW India
05. H.e. pallens - W India (Gujarat)

Information Source for Taxonomy:Wilson, Don E. / Mittermeier, Russell A. HANDBOOK OF THE MAMMALS OF THE WORLD; Vol. 1 - Carnivores, 2009
Range:India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Saudi Arabia
Habitat:Dry secondary forests, thorn forests, disturbed areas, plantations
Head-Torso-Length:35,5 - 45 cm
Tail length:32 - 45 cm
Weight:1 - 2 kg
Food:Small mammals, Birds, Reptiles
IUCN status:LC (Least Concern)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
North America
  Dominican Republic (1 Holding(s)):
  • Santo Domingo (ZOODOM - Parque Zoologico Nacional) 
    Holding(s): 1
      India (1 Holding(s)):
  • Bengaluru (Bannerghatta Biological Park) 
    Holding(s): 1