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Short-eared dog
(Short-eared fox)
Atelocynus microtis
(SCLATER, 1883)

Images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:00
Information Source for Taxonomy:Wilson, Don E. / Mittermeier, Russell A. HANDBOOK OF THE MAMMALS OF THE WORLD; Vol. 1 - Carnivores, 2009
Range:W lowland Amazonia. Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru
Habitat:Rainforests in the Amazonian lowlands
Head-Torso-Length:72 - 100 cm
Tail length:25 - 35 cm
Weight:9 - 10 kg
Food:Carnivorous, mostly fish but also rodents and marsupials
IUCN status:NT (Near Threatened)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
There are no known current holdings.