Atlantic bottlenose dolphin EU ,NA,AS,SA,AF | Atlantic spotted dolphin (Bridled dolphin) NA | Atlantic white-sided dolphin | Australian humpback dolphin (Sahul dolphin) | Black Sea Bottlenose dolphin nEU,EU ,AS,NA | Clymene dolphin (Helmet dolphin) | Commerson's dolphin AS,NA | Common Bottlenose dolphin (no subspecies-status) EU ,NA,AU,SA,AF,AS | Common dolphin (Short-beaked common dolphin) (Short-beaked dolphin) (No Subspecific status) | Dusky dolphin (Beakless dolphin) | Eastern North Pacific long-beaked common dolphin NA | False killer whale AS,NA | Fraser's dolphin | Guiana tucuxi SA | Hector`s Dolphin (Little pied dolphin) (New Zealand dolphin) | Indian Ocean humpback dolphin AS | Indo-pacific bottlenosedolphin AU,AS,AF | Indo-Pacific common dolphin AS | Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin AS | Irrawaddy dolphin (Larger Indian porpoise) (Snubfin dolphin) | Killer whale EU ,nEU,NA,SA,AS | Long-finned pilot whale AS | Melon-headed whale (Electra dolphin) AS | Northern right whale dolphin | Pacific bottlenose dolphin AU,EU ,AS,nEU,NA | Pacific white-sided dolphin (Hook-finned porpoise) nEU,NA,AS,SA | Pan-tropical spotted dolphin AS | Pygmy killer whale | Risso's Dolphin AS | Rough-toothed dolphin AS,NA | Short-finned pilot whale (Pacific pilot whale) NA,AS | Spinner dolphin (Long-beaked dolphin) | Striped dolphin AS | White-beaked dolphin | |

Atlantic spotted dolphin (Bridled dolphin)
Stenella frontalis
(G. CUVIER, 1829) |
.jpg) Photo by: J. Kuyken (Aufn.: Kanaren) | | Additional images here: www.biolib.cz |
| Number of Subspecies: | 00 | Information Source for Taxonomy: | Burgin et al. (2020) Illustrated checklist of the Mammals of the World, Volume 2 | IUCN status: | LC (Least Concern) |