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Uganda Mangabey
Lophocebus ugandae
(Syn.: Cercocebus albigena ugandae)
(MATSCHIE, 1913)

Photo by: M. Sloviak
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:00
Information Source for Taxonomy:Groves, C.P (2007). "The Endemic Uganda Mangabey, Lophocebus ugandae, and Other Members of the albigena-Group (Lophocebus)". Primate Conservation 22: 123–128.
Head-Torso-Length:42 - 70 cm
Tail length:55 - 75 cm
Weight:4 - 10 kg
IUCN status:VU (Vulnerable)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
  Uganda (2 Holding(s)):
  • Jinja (Source Of The Nile Reptile Park) 
  • Wakiso (Kavumba Recreation Center Kids Park & Zoo) 
    Holding(s): 2