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Heuglin's patas monkey
(Blue Nile patas monkey)
Erythrocebus poliophaeus

Photo by: R. Wirth
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:00
Information Source for Taxonomy:Gippoliti, S. (2017) On the Taxonomy of Erythrocebus with a Re-evaluation of Erythrocebus poliophaeus (Reichenbach, 1862) from the Blue Nile Region of Sudan and Ethiopia. Primate Conservation. 31; 53-59
IUCN status:DD (Data Deficient)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
Africa âž• âž–
  Senegal (1 Holding(s)):
  • Dakar (Parcs Forestier et Zoologique de Hann) 
    Holding(s): 1
    Asia âž• âž–
      China (3 Holding(s)):
  • Nanning (Zoo) 
  • Nantong (Forest Wild Zoo) 
  • Suzhou (Forest Animal World) 
    Holding(s): 3