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Algerian hedgehog
(North African hedgehog)
Atelerix algirus

Photo by: K. Rudloff
Additional images here: www.biolib.cz

Number of Subspecies:03
Information Source for Taxonomy:Kingdon, J., Iappold, D., Butynski, T., Ioffmann, M., Happold, M. & J. Kalina (2013): Mammals of Afrika, Vol. 4: Hedgehogs, Shrews and Bats, Bloomsbury Publishing
Head-Torso-Length:15 - 25 cm
Tail length:2,5 cm
Weight:250 - 600 g
IUCN status:LC (Least Concern)

Current Holdings • Former Holdings
Europe (EU)
  Denmark (1 Holding(s)):
  • Borkop (Skaerup Zoo) 
    Holding(s): 1
    Europe (NonEU)
      Russia (2 Holding(s)):
  • Solnechnyy (Voronezhskiy Okeanarium) 
  • Voronezh (Zoopark im. A.S.Popova) 
    Holding(s): 2