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Unsaved Postings 
In this category we collect all dubious entries in the database, this means probable mistakes or obsolete entries. We do this to examine the correctness, and to make appropriate changes.
"Suspect entrys" can be sent via PM to one of the administrators - Animal, Camparso, Delacouri, Hongabonga, Irbis, Kowari, Milu - or via E-Mail to mailzootierliste.de.
1. false systematic assignment

1.1 Berlin (Tierpark Friedrichsfelde)

    King Bird-of-paradise (Cicinnurus regius) 1970 (1,0) - this species was never mentioned in any zoo publication! - entry deleted
    Audouin's Gull (Larus audouinii) until 199? - this species was never mentioned in any zoo publication too! - entry deleted
    Bischofstangare (Blue-grey tanager) (Thraupis episcopus) - the species is incorrect labelled as Furchentangare (Blue-and-yellow tanager)(Thraupis bonariensis); entry deleted

1.2 Berlin (Tierpark Friedrichsfelde), Plzen (Zoo) und Krefeld (Zoo)

    Wahlberg's epauletted fruit bat (Epomophorus wahlbergi)/ Gambian epauletted bat (Epomophorus gambianus) - The status of this species is unclear, all specimen are based on the animals from Krefeld (Zoo).

1.3 Rotterdam (Diergaarde Blijdorp)

    Bruijn's Brush-turkey (Aepypodius bruijnii) has been deleted. The rediscovery bases on the year 2001, so it's sure that no specimen has ever been kept at Rotterdam.

1.4 Schönwald-Grühnhaid (Vogel- und Tierpark)

    Crested pigeon (Geophaps plumifera) has been deleted. It's really unlikely that this small park keeps this rare species. Maybe it's a mix up with Crested dove (Ocyphaps lophotes).

1.5 Plankstadt (Vogelpark)

    Blue-crowned racquet-tail parrot (Prioniturus discurus) has been deleted. No one has ever seen this species in the exhibit.

1.6 Klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus) in North American zoos

    All of the current holdings in the United States listed for Cape klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus oreotragus) should be listed for Zimbabwe klipspringer (Oreotragus oreotragus stevensoni). But, there are no more stevensoni klipspringer in the US either, they're all a sub-specific hybrid swarm from talks with zoo personnel. Please don't make them all this subspecies either!
2. old inventory data

2.1 Heidelberg (Tiergarten)

    Oriole warbler (Hypergerus atriceps) - maybe the zoo still keeps them. ("Puku", Okt. 2009)
    Crested porcupine (Hystrix cristata) - only Indian crested porcupine have been seen. Please check if the zoo doesn't keep Crested prcupines, just how it stands in ISIS.

2.2 Springe (Wildpark)

    At visit 9/2009 no small mammals have been on show

    Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus)

    Western house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus)

    Yellow-necked field mouse (Apodemus flavicollis)

    Jordan mouse (Mus musculus gentitulus)

    Common red-backed vole (Myodes glareolus glareolus)

    Edible dormouse (Glis glis)

    Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus)

    Following goose haven't been seen:

    Common shelduck (Tadorna tadorna)

    Western greylag goose (Anser anser anser)

    Canada goose (Branta canadensis)

    Bean goose (Anser fabalis)

    Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis)

    Lesser white fronted goose (Anser erythropus)

    Bewick's swan (Cygnus bewickii)

2.3 Hamburg (Tierpark Hagenbeck)

    After visit 9/2009 the zoo probably don't keep following species anymore.

    Dunek-Drehsturzflugtaube (Columba livia f. domestica)

    Elsterpurzler (Columba livia f. domestica)

    Green-backed twinspot (Mandingoa nitidula)

    Yellow-billed cardinal (Paroaria capitata)

    Silver-beaked tanager (Ramphocelus carbo)

3. Changes in systmatic

3.1. Pantherophis obsoletus lindheimeri und Pantherophis obsoletus obsoletus

    After newest research results Pantherophis obsoletus lindheimeri isn't a subspecies anymore. That's why the Zootierliste lists them now as Black rat snake (Pantherophis obsoletus).

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